Friday, November 10, 2006

Project Chicken

Here is our new chicken house! Is it not just the sweetest thing you ever saw? We are going to have very happy could they not be happy, living in a house like that? We have spent the last few days painting...the kids and us have paint in our hair to mark our hard work. While we bought the house online, we had to put it together and Peter has had to make several adjustments and improvements because the nestboxes were too big, it needed a new perch, and we added latches to keep the racoons out, and a chicken wire foundation.

So next is to order some chicks....we are going to have some old-fashioned dual purpose hens (which means that they lay eggs but they also taste good when you have to get out the old axe). We are going to have to order a few more than we need--25 to be exact (it is the minimum order for chicks through the mail). So about 8 will get to live and lay, and the rest will have a shorter life ending up in our oven. Young roasted chicken anyone? We are probably going to have some sort of party, because we are going to have a lot of chickens to eat. Sign up if you want to be invited.....I can't wait to be able to go out in the morning (and evening) and collect some eggs for breakfast! Not so eager to clean out their coop, though.


Anonymous said...

All right, all right!! who has the time, but I will say I just read all of it and it was quite enjoyable. I intend to buy the Woozy Woo, and the pie book. I will not, however, be building any chicken coops! (though I will come over for dinner.)

LL Fredell said...

Hey, if you buy the Woozy woo and book through my site, then I get some money...ok probably something like 2 cents...I am not going to quit my day job. But still, maybe it will pay for some chicken feed. You are welcome for dinner anytime!

Anonymous said...

I am more interested to be invited for the breakfast. Gotta try those eggs since you guys were bragging about it for a long time. Konrad is probably more interested in playing with the chicks....


LL Fredell said...

Sure we can do breakfast...

Christine & Daniel said...

That's a good looking chicken house.